GV Vertical Gear Motorverview of GV Vertical Gear MotorSuperior performanceHigh efficiency (up to 96%)Low energy consumptionLow vibration and Low noiseStór hleðslaVersatilityMaintenance-free skyldar vörurDC Arc Cone Hægri horngírmótorDC Worm Gear Hægri horn Gear MotorGH Lárétt gírmótorStandard Induction Gear MotorGírmótor með RörmótorbúnaðiGHM Horizontal Input Flange Gear ReducerTveir Pole MótorGVM Vertical Input Flange Gear ReducerGVD lóðréttur tvískiptur gírtaksbúnaðurR Series Hardened-Gear Helical Gear Motor