PT-CR шұңқыр шиыршық рульдік беріліс қорабы

PT-CR Overview of PT-CR Steering Gearbox

● High positioning accuracy thanks to precise grinded gears
● High Torque duo to high quality of rolling cone bearing
● High startability for high precision planetary construction.
● Precision grinded gears contribute to low noise
● Low backlash for precision process
● Easy Installation for matching all brands of servo motors.
● Long service life thanks to the synthetic lubricant

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Модельдік нөмірлердің индикациясы PT-CR Hollow Shaft Оң жақ бұрыштық беріліс қорабы

Сипаттамасы PT-CR Hollow Shaft Беріліс қорабы

The TQG PT-CR series planetary gearbox is a kind of hollow shaft gearbox with key groove, which is widely applied in the occasions where need to change the direction, therefore, PT-CR speed reducer is also called steering gearbox. Only one ratio i=1:1 is available for all models: PT070A, PT085A, PT105A, PT125B, PT150B, PT180B. Therefore, PT-CR is more suitable for the applications that don’t have the requirement of precision.