Taiqi Elektromekanik uskunalar (Shanghai) Co, Ltd professional ishlab chiqarish kompaniyasi, Shanxay Xitoyda 20 yildan ortiq ishlab chiqarish, Ar - ilmiy va savdo bir butun sifatida integratsiya. Biz yuqori hassasiyetli Planet tishli qutilari, 90 graduslik tishli quti (servo motorlar va step motorlar uchun), harmonik chidamli tishli qutilar, sanoat robot RV redüktörleri, gijjalar redüktörleri, tishli motorlar, og'ir yuk yuqori torklu va yuqori kuch spiral redüktörleri, hipoid motorlar, velosiped vites qutilari, vintli krikolar, spiral bevel randli vites qutilari va boshqa tegishli vites qutilari va aksessuarlari.
Standart tezlikni kamaytirgichlarning keng assortimentini taqdim etish bilan bir qatorda, logotipli bosma, CNC dastgohlari, qadoqlash va bosib chiqarish sohasida dasturiy ta'minot, payvandlash va chiqib ketish sohasidagi butun dunyo bo'ylab mijozlar uchun harakatni boshqarish echimlari va mexanik uzatish echimlari uchun maxsus xizmat mavjud. lazerli kesish mashinalari, yog'ochni gravürleme mashinalari, to'liq servo qog'oz to'qimachilik mashinalari, nozik konkav-konveks bosma mashinalari, nozik qoplama mashinalari, servo trubkasi benders, raqamli boshqaruv bahor mashinasi va yuqori darajada avtomatlashtirishga ega bo'lgan boshqa uskunalar. (Ko'proq…)
As a professional precision planetary gearbox manufacturers, TQG is specialized in producing planetary gearhead reducer for more than....
Read MoreAs one of the most famous right angle gearbox manufacturers, TQG provides high-quality right angle speed reducer around the world. The...
Read MoreThe Taiqi Seiko harmonic gear is widely used in robot joints with features of compact design, light weight, high torque,...
Read MoreThe TQG RV reducer is a kind of reduction gearbox that centers with the flat specially designed for accurate motion...
Read MoreLowest backlash of 0-3 arcmin. High torque and high dynamic. High cost performance. Applicable for all servo motor and stepper motor...
Read MoreLow tooth backlash of the angle planetary gearbox. Angle planetary reducer is easy to install, and the elastic design of the connecting...
Read MoreA: Yes, we are factory based sales company in China with more than 20 years’ experience.The TQG product positioning is a high-end quality of speed reducers. All of our gear reducers are tested before delivery and one year’s quality guaranteed with lifetime maintenance service as well as technical support.
A: Normally, we have sufficient stock for standard backlash gear reducers especially for planetary gearboxes. If there’s no goods in stock for your required reducer, usually, it will take 15-20 days to produce. For some customized gearboxes, it will be a little longer lead time. Besides, we are customer oriented company. If you need the speed reducer urgently, we can arrange your orders production in front of others to save time and cost.
A: T/T. 30% of total amount to be paid as deposit, and the balance 70% to be paid before shipment. You can pay to our boss’s individual account or company’s account. And you also can pay through Alipay or paypal. If the amount of gear reducer is small, we suggest you pay 100% of total amount before placing the order so that time can be saved for delivery.
A: Answer: Yes, since we are manufacture and can give you a discount according to the quantity you will buy. Different quantity with different discount price. In a word, the more you buy from us, the bigger the discount will be. Welcome to consult us for details.
Overview of VRB Speed Reducer The integral structure of the planetary wall frame and the output shaft ensures the...
Read MoreOverview of PAB Planetary Gear Reducer Lowest backlash of 0-3 arcmin. High torque and high dynamic. High cost performance. Applicable for all...
Read MoreOverview of CSG & CSF Series Harmonic Gear Units Backlash-free harmonic reducer component set Compact and simple designed robot gear High...
Read MoreOverview of RV-M Series Robot Gearbox High torsional rigidityand extremely compact body. 1 arc-min of low backlash. Full gearbox can be mounted directly...
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